Where. Where are they? The others. Soon
Seed its been planted. Deep down
Nextworld. What’s to come. Evolution fast tracked.
Illusion of being. What appears is not. Eyes open
Mathematics. Language of the gods. Bits and
Design. Control. Coded. Programmed. Populations
Invasion. Slow motion invasion. Unseen. Unnoticed.
The great filter. The trap to oblivion. Silence.
Lotus. Unfolding flower. Unfolding realms.
Gene pool. Self evident. Leaders. Tyrants. Followers.
Layers. Epochs. Layers of time. Existence.
Valhalla. Gods, living in the cloud.
Hypnotic. Captured audience. Hours each day.
Pivot. Knots of existence. Twisted. Pivoting.
Bombardment. Battlefield. Undulating terrain. Ripe.