Pages. Pages from the calendar fall.
The gods. Created, worshiped from day one.
Measure of all things. Truth. Man.
Realms within realms. Within realms. Cascading,
Shimmer. Spinning. Mixing. Revolving time.
Contrivance. Human history beliefs, contrived.
Thought Machine. From out of nowhere they come.
Sight. Visual. Shell. What’s on the
Outside the box. Inside the box. Looking
En Gard! Reflections. All we do, looking back.
Manifestation. Manifestation of the creator. Creation
Designed we’ve been. Emerged from the goo.
Reflections. Reflections of creation. All encompassed.
Monkeys in clothes. Self impressed. Civilization created.
Aquarius. An age not so long ago. Bell bottoms,