Blended. Segmented. Cleaved, one from the other.
Vessel. Empty. Devoid of knowledge. No opinions.
Enlightenment. Emergence from darkness to light. Continuous
Aggregator. Brain. Mind. Collector. Collector
Future note. Not for now. Writing
Fickle. Reality. Such a thing? Slipping
Solitude. Quiet reflection. Plumbing soul,
0.07874016. Thickness. Human skin. 0.07874016
Time. Celluloid strip. Continuous run. Beginning
Seed its been planted. Deep down
Eyes. Behind the eyes. Where the soul
Where are they? The question asked is. The Fermi
Aspirants. Baseline. Animals. Animals at heart.
Battlefields. Eons past to modernity. Clubs
Hostage. Intelligence held hostage. Buffeted. Buffeted