Metamorphosis. Shape shifting. Accelerating change.
Whole Cloth. Its all been spun. Spun from whole cloth.
Known. What is known? How much to know?
Sirens. Seductive. Altering senses. Temping
Rabbit hole. Hybrid. New worlds. New realities. Old ways
New god. Replaces. New focus. Man made. One god
Flow. Creation’s flow. One long
Cusp. Pivot. Soon. A new reality.
Spooky. Existence, a crazy place. Crazy
Powers that be. Plying the shadows. Infecting
Perceptions. Understanding. View of things. Processing.
Tech. Decades in gestation. Out of view.
Muddling minds. Twenty four seven. Three
Introspection. Situation analysis. I think therefore.....
Tiny. Look around. They’re everywhere. Tiny things.