War of existence. Setting sail. Dock
Ghosts. Spirits. Adrift, the ether flows.
Product. Designed as such. Milled and honed.
Enigma. Existence. Being. Gordian knot.
Known. What is known? What can be
Hostage. Intelligence held hostage. Buffeted. Buffeted
Angels an Demons. Humanity’s manifestations.
Alteration. At first, subtle. Subtle alterations.
Perceptions. Understanding. View of things. Processing.
Dependency. Addiction. Global affliction. Can’t
Tribal. Unraveling. Loosening connections. Severing
Collective. Human collective. Moves as one.
Collision. Future. Whip snap change.
Storm front. Rolling in. Clouds on the
Toss. Deep end. No choice. All in. Head