Byproduct. Creation’s endgame. Machinery churning.
Earthbound. Born. Raised. Buried. From
En Gard! Reflections. All we do, looking back.
Crib. Forged in fire. Hard as stone.
Midnight flight. Soaring to the great
Sparks. Firefly like. Popping in and
Introspection. Situation analysis. I think therefore.....
Passing through. One stop along the way.
New way. Old way supplanted. Evolved away.
Red Bow. Levels of existence. Levels
Dragon. Wings high above. Slashing
Arrival. Soon. World on its axis,
Bombardment. Battlefield. Undulating terrain. Ripe.
Indifferent. Existence does not care. Creation’s
Narrative. Warring narratives. Digital battlefield.