Magic. Non physical. Consciousness. Magically, thoughts
Resonating. Ripples expressing. Vibrating across the
Global think. Rapidly. Injected hearts and
Infusion. Pure thought. Seeping up.
Thought stream. Rivulets coursing through.
Virtual place. Existence. Universal base state. Hidden
Arrival. Deities. Imagined. Minds of mortals
Swamp. Day one. Tick-tock. The clock starts
Civilization. History. Power. Fabric of the
Where are they? The question asked is. The Fermi
Mathematics. Language of the gods. Bits and
Chapters. Nature of things. System. Boundless,
Birthing. Cosmic birth. Resonance. Vibrations.
Grip. Mind grip. Consciousness encased. Encased
Observation. Perception. Mental state based. Reality,