Soul. Wandering soul. Inner being.
Cusp. Pivot. Soon. A new reality.
Confined. Wrapped in a bubble. Bubble of limitations.
Formulaic. Life. Reality as designed. Everything,
Everything. Look around. Trials, tribulations.
Parallel trees. Those who never were. Generations, family
Life. Existence. Who do I thank? For all
Endless existences, separate and apart. Soul,
Light. Spotlight. Shinning. Focused, surrounded.
Bombardment. Battlefield. Undulating terrain. Ripe.
Stoic machine. Arrival. Emotionless. Whirls and
Form. Function. Shape of things. How shaped
Crushed. Change. Everything that was will be
Paradise. Eternal souls, reality. Never
Hostage. Intelligence held hostage. Buffeted. Buffeted