#IrishWriters #XIXCentury
SOLDIER, why do you shrink from… The bullet that whizzed is past; t… Stand straight! you cannot shrink… A comrade in front may hear it whi…
Have I no future left me? Is there no struggling ray From the sun of my life outshining Down on my darksome way? Will there no gleam of sunshine
I do not know the meaning of the s… But bend before its power, as a re… When the black tornado fills the v… Three times in twenty years its sh… On lines of fire on the black veil…
IT chanced to me upon a time to s… Across the Southern Ocean to and… And, landing at fair isles, by str… Of sensuous blessing did we ofttim… And months of dreamy joys, like jo…
St. Patrick’s Day WHAT a onion of hearts is the lo… When races of men in her name unit… For love of Old Erin, and love of… The boards of the Gael are full t…
THUNDER of guns, and cries—bann… Troops have died where they stood… They have raced like waves at a wa… Dawn the fight begin, and noon was… The armies stretch afar—and the pl…
‘HOW shall I a habit break?’ As you did that habit make. As you gathered, you must lose; As you yielded, now refuse. Thread by thread the strands we tw…
THOSE are vulgar things we pay f… While the precious and the peerles… Common debts are scored and cancel… But the debts from men to ages, th… Always see, the noblest nations ke…
DEAR islands of the Orient, Where Nature’s first of love was… Sweet hill-tops of the summered la… Where gods and men went hand in ha… In golden days of sinless earth!
o The faithful helm commands the kee… From port to port fair breezes blo… But the ship must sail the convex… Nor may she straighter go.
WHAT song is best for the soldie… Take no heed of the words, nor cho… Let it burst out from the heart li… Natural, clear, resistless, leapin… Whether of love or hate or war or…
HE gathered cherry-stones, and ca… Into fine semblances of flies and… With subtle skill, he even imaged… The forms of tiny maids and ivied… His little blocks he loved to file…
‘SHE is dead!’ they say; 'she is… Her mother has kissed her clay-col… Her blue eyes show through the wax… Her grave is dug, and its heap of… ‘She is dead!’ they say to the peo…
‘I’LL have it, I tell you! Curse… The long knife glittered, was shea… The sawyer staggered and tripped a… And falling he uttered a frightene… His face to the sky, he shuddered…
O THE rare spring flowers! take… Do not wait forsummer buds—they ma… Every sweet to-day sends, we are w… Roses bloom for pulling: the path…