Jessica MJ Cecilia D'souza


I’ve grieved.
I’ve grieved you for the longest time,
I could  never find your face.
In a crowded room, wherever I’d be,
I’d search for your embrace.
You died a very slow death,
A pain I could never have foreseen,
The physical and the mental,
You were somewhere in between.
A limbo where I’d see your face,
And know no one was there,
I’d think how did this creative soul,
Get stripped completely bare?
As time moved forward, I used my feet,
To take me to a place,
Where memories of our childhood were,
The places where we’d play.
I feel as though a demonic entity,
Took my best friend away,
And if he ever were to sober up,
There would be no brighter day.
I crave, I crave, I crave some more,
The person I once loved,
The physical is all I have,
Your mind is up above.

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