

Consistency. It might just be a word to you, but to me it’s the only way to calm the chaos I call my thoughts. Once I see that consistency is gone, I can’t keep my mind organized. I start to see my world crumble. Because I know what happens when there’s a change in how consistent someone is.
How can I help bring this consistency back? How? How? How? How?
I can’t think right, my mind is a mess, more than usual. My mind races to find reasons why someone would just stop, and become distant.
Without consistency, the organization I have in my life starts to break down. Nothing seems right. My reality begins to warp. My mind wanders and wanders and wonders. It wanders to the edge of depression; and wonders what it would be like to not care at all.
Without consistency, I am not myself. I’m someone else, and I know her all too well.

Altre opere di Jennifer...
