I looked at her, her angel voice s… She sat surrounded by the band, ju… Her songs were mesmerizing, she ha… and in that moment God gave me thi… “No matter what, the songs we make…
Daddy, spend some time with me, it’s all I really need. It doesn’t have to be that much, let’s go do simple things. Help me remember times back when
Long pressing bears the weight of the falling world around me. Over tinsel days yet hollow years has the growing spiral of downward… unwound before my eyes.
A life sustained by water pure, yet marred by memory of the wine. Like fragrant waft of soft allure diminished not by hands of time. Forever clear the water streams,
Love is a game, a journey of sorts… a search for the one who is right. And of all the seekers, just what… are not all just travelers at nigh… For it seems in darkness they sear…
Alone I sit upon this throne, alo… The meat I have, the clothes I we… none in the land has such as I, no… Yet not a single one of them can c… I do recall oh yes, the time when…
Naive enough to believe that it’s… the world spins around the old red… God set it up, and so surely it’s… He’ll keep it forever, I’m sure h… to return some fine day and then n…
Does it matter what you do or matter what you say? Does anything mean anything when you live Groundhog Day? Is there a way to please the Gods
Who knows how many layers over generations
There are a lot of mysteries, anom… things that seem to have no explan… One of these (above the rest) that… is how the foolish crowd is made o… from being foolish on their own. Y…
It’s been used in so many movies, and series, and books to be read - some kind of sickness breaks out i… turning all into the living dead. I once thought the concept was sil…
The piece that is missing is the piece of my heart that I threw like a stone when our love fell apart. Without looking I threw it
So much time I now spend, watchin… Watching as others pass by, living… Living their lives. I watch not for the care of wantin… or even so mush as to learn from w…
Two sons of God, who equal were s… in Heaven’s splendid landscape wai… Both men had sketched a million ti… to build there by their faith and… and face the trials and tests that…
No bird remains to sing his song. so silence pounds the whole day lo… In beat with memory of the day I clapped to make him go away. The fault, it clearly lies with me