Javonte Amon

My Luna

The Queen of dark arts. Usually, when she arrives the fun starts.
But this night I can see waves of sadness crashing all around her disposition. She seemed to only be half of herself, or maybe even less.
Perplexed, I approach not sure what to expect. Staring daggers through me. Her expression so incredibly icy. I can’t help but recall how beautiful she was as we were by sea, or that moment I lay upon the cool earth enjoying time with her. Her worth could never be measured by the scale of man. So, I just thanked God for her birth. I stared at her hours. I spoke no words. She was so bright, beautiful, and full of life then. Her gaze today chilling and devoid of light.
I ask her, “what’s the matter love?”
She says, “I cannot give you all of me. Not tonight or the next, but soon.” 
I said, “I would wait a thousand lifetimes just to hold the whole of you with my eyes again.”
I thought thought about my hands; they’d  have to pretend because she was not mine alone.
She pleads, “You don’t understand. You don’t know what it’s like to be coveted only at night. A they shun you if you don’t feel like being bright. Even you, like the rest, only love me at my best. I love everyone.”
I tried to speak, but she continued.
She goes, “Look, I accept the company of those young in love or those that prey on the weak. See, it is not my job to keep your soul warm. You produce your own heat. I never judge. Just once I would want someone to love me in all of my phases and hold no grudge. ”
She grew quiet.
I said, “I don’t understand. You are the object of my desire and the same for so many others. You literally make the world swoon.
She smiles, sadly, and says, ”That is why it is only I who can be the moon."

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