And there, in that ripe Summer-ni… A wintry coolness through the open… And window seemed to touch each gl… Refreshingly; and, for a fleeting… The quickened fancy, through the f…
The warm pulse of the nation has g… The muffled heart of Freedom, lik… Throbs solemnly for one whose eart… Wrought every mission well. Whose glowing reason towered above…
Of the North I wove a dream, All bespangled with the gleam Of the glancing wings of swallows Dipping ripples in a stream, That, like a tide of wine,
The touches of her hands are like… Of velvet snowflakes; like the tou… The peach just brushes 'gainst the… The flossy fondlings of the thistl… Caught in the crinkle of a leaf of…
Where are they—the Afterwhiles— Luring us the lengthening miles Of our lives? Where is the dawn With the dew across the lawn Stroked with eager feet the far
The Crankadox leaned o’er the edg… And wistfully gazed on the sea Where the Gryxabodill madly whist… To the air of ‘Ti-fol-de-ding-dee… The quavering shriek of the Fly-u…
Had a hare-lip—Joney had: Spiled his looks, and Joney knowe… Fellers tried to bore him, bad— But ef ever he got mad, He kep’ still and never showed it.
Of all the doctors I could cite y… Doc Sifers is my favorite, jes’ t… Count in the Bethel Neighberhood,… And Sifers’ standin’s jes’ as goo… There’s old Doc Wick, and Glenn,…
Where do you go when you go to sle… Little Boy! Little Boy! where? ‘Way—’way in where’s Little Bo-P… And Little Boy Blue, and the Cow… A-wandering ‘way in there;—in ther…
The audience entire seemed pleased… _Extremely_ pleased. And little M… From her task of instructing, ran… Her wondrous colored picture to an… Among the company.
It was a Jolly Miller lived on th… He looked upon his piller, and the… 'O Mr. Flea! you have bit’ me, And you shall shorely die!' So he scrunched his bones against…
Me an’ Bert an’ Minnie-Belle Knows a joke, an’ we won’t tell! No, we don’t—'cause we don’t know _Why_ we got to laughin’ so; But we got to laughin’ so,
The afternoon of summer folds Its warm arms round the marigolds, And with its gleaming fingers, pet… The watered pinks and violets That from the casement vases spill…
I’m bin a-visitun 'bout a week To my little Cousin’s at Nameless… An’ I’m got the hives an’ a new s… An’ I’m come back home where my b…
Thousands of thousands of hushed y… Out on the edge of Chaos, all alo… I stood on peaks of vapor, high up… Above a sea that knew nor ebb nor… Nor any motion won of winds that b…