James Russell Lowell

The Pregnant Comment

Opening one day a book of mine,
I absent, Hester found a line
Praised with a pencil-mark, and this
She left transfigured with a kiss.
When next upon the page I chance,
Like Poussin’s nymphs my pulses dance,
And whirl my fancy where it sees
Pan piping 'neath Arcadian trees,
Whose leaves no winter-scenes rehearse,
Still young and glad as Homer’s verse.
‘What mean,’ I ask, 'these sudden joys?
This feeling fresher than a boy’s?
What makes this line, familiar long,
New as the first bird’s April song?
I could, with sense illumined thus,
Clear doubtful texts in AEeschylus!’
Laughing, one day she gave the key,
My riddle’s open-sesame;
Then added, with a smile demure,
Whose downcast lids veiled triumph sure,
‘If what I left there give you pain,
You-you-can take it off again;
’Twas for _my_ poet, not for him,
Your Doctor Donne there!’
               Earth grew dim
And wavered in a golden mist,
As rose, not paper, leaves I kissed.
Donne, you forgive? I let you keep
Her precious comment, poet deep.
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