Jaime P. Rivera

Life and death

I’ve grown pass my skin. Underneath........ the devil grew within. He reached unto the earth created a body of hate and..............brought to life a heart of sin. Too long was I alive.....breathing.......killing.......spilling......fulfilling the works of cancer. I will bring down the world of chaos and rebuild a home of love. Destroy all kingdoms........if you are not with me.... You are against me...... Absolution. Never the acknowledgment of peaceful existence. Defining yourself resembles impatience...... You never meet the rest of the world by walking away. You never find balance between loving yourself more in a relationship than loving your significant other...... I deserve more out of this. I wish to be pleased. One slip of the tongue..... And your life..... Is........ Over.

Change and decay...... It’s all around me.
Choose what you do with your time wisely.

Altre opere di Jaime P. Rivera...
