Jaime Antonio

Love of my life

Poems without verses by JAIME ANTONIO

Love of my life has smile April
It afternoon and evening awakening awakening in me
It has bright dawn as a beacon rest searches
Love Nor does he resigned only comes thanks
Love of my life is a summary of the time we lived
No need to seek the best of the good and the bad to find it
Love sorry not because we took a couple of hoops
Love sorry no altar before God because we swear
Eternal love is not only changing with time of illusion
Feelings are replaced by customs Happy affection
As the river into the sea just as the summer ends in autumn
As bad you never forget as love and hate not rhyme
Love of my life has that little smile woman girl
Has truth of lips and hearts of eager hands for me
It poverty if poor outside and sincerity if I lied
Which has love happiness peace solution reached.
The love of my life and I found maybe perhaps I did not lose
Maybe and ignore and never mind I gave me you were here
Time to love because envy expected to forget
Envy love and call waiting time to finish
Love of my life perhaps hoping that I will be yours
Maybe I really miss to deserve what I have today no
Love of my life  perhaps reading this today these verses
And watercolor sketch to return to me or find me here


Poems love

#LovePoetry #Poems #Verses

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