

You were always one of a kind.
You were always there when I needed you the most and never left me behind.
You gave me a love ever so pure and rare.
But me having to live with out you left me in despair.
You gave me such an amazing childhood.
You were my protection and made me feel understood.
I was so lucky to have you for those wonderful unforgettable years.
Just the thought of when you left our world my heart tears.
My dad my father my favourite man.
The one who taught me to believe and be everything that I can.
The dreams you had laid and planned for me.
The amazing strong woman you always knew I would be.
You helped me all the way.
It’s just heart wrenching that you Could not stay.
So many more memories I wanted to make with you.
With out you I never realised I could actually make it through.
Memories of you I’ll keep safe in my heart.
Because you were always my first love from the start.
I’ll cherish every moment I shared with you.
And make sure all the dreams you inspired me to achieve do come true.
I’ll love you forever and so much more.
And one day I’ll meet you in heaven and another world again we can explore.
Thank you for loving me over all those years.
And being one of the inspirational mentors who helped me challenge my fears.


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