To the brokenherted and brokenhearters
Please comment and suggest new ideas. Looking for any way to improve.
Please don't copy with out my permission. Thank You
Find order in chaos, The minuscules light in darkness. The words were like tranquility, They gave me hope. Now quiet corridors,
If I dare go astray from thy path… I will feel thee’s bonfire of wrat… Thee shall wander along the border… for if he fails it will be a disas… Thee wishes to give pain,
There is a language that disappear… Or stays if you will it to. The very thought of the language b… It is relishing and savoring to th… Of creativity and imagination to t…
The littlest cutes hurt the most, They tell me to be strong and keep… I promise; I am sorry; both have… But then again bullshit does too, They say suicide is stupid,
He never saw me coming, I never saw Her coming, She never saw him coming. I saw her, She saw me,
I may not exist in his world, But he is always in mine, The worlds may never unite. Day and night he thrives in mind, Breakfast to dinner does he not le…