Today, I realized your voice has… Deeper than usual. Isn't that str… When I caught your quirky smile, you walked away; that's not your s… "Let me feel your forehead."
With your mystical gaze Love hovered so divine. In your amber-brown eyes, The warmth... I felt as you gazed upon mine.
Borrowed Time By: Imrogue In time, memories fade... but, I… Some memories may pain me and some… We are graced with borrowed time a…
It was dark, but comforting in the place where I once was. Looking forward to see the light and maybe breathe the air— I was weightless—
It was December morn, aboard the ferry to where I was bo… It’s been ten years and I dreaded… to my sweet, ancestral home. Saltiness in the air,
A knock at the door... I courteously opened, I received... I obliged.. Thoughts flowed with mine...
By: Imrogue Up amidst the blackened sky... glowing with spectacular sight– Lanterns of different colors: red, white, green, yellow, blue,
Borrowed Time By: Imrogue In time, memories fade... but, I… Some memories may pain me and some… I am graced with borrowed time and…
A simple utterance was sweet, Spell binding and no conceit. Charmed by his presence, She gladly gave her acceptance To an Autumn Night Dance invitat…
The Drying Tree By: Imrogue Pine needles brittled— The tree’s tall—remains upright— So still and hopeful—
Coloring books were so much fun! As a child, I kept my colors insi… I was good at that! Afraid to go haywire, I also drew my lines
walls expand between us— cobwebs of misery entrap us—
I’m OLD By Imrogue I can’t see far When I drive my car— I can’t see near—
The warmth and coolness of sand enveloped my bare feet. The silky feel of pure whiteness, rubbed my skin to the top of my fe… Atop the dunes, majestic horizon
By: Imrogue 'Twas a night when stars were not… The faint moonlight was emanating through breaches of dark clouds. A soft breeze rustled some leaves,