20160524 Ha'Sonnet (half sonnet challenge started by another poet)
Cats’ nail-clipping’s quite intriguing. Precise cutting Lest be willing, you must be quick!
Tonight, through my window, a glimpse of your silvery light dawned upon the grassy fill of this earth. Your quaintness
Lost in my deep, sweet reverie, beautiful voice singing a song... accompanied
by: Imrogue She succumbed to the roughest touc… over and over again... She was aware, but remained still.… overwhelmed with repulsion...
The caveat is expanding chasm in the mountain— where raging lava forging through to freedom.
Sitting on the rock, Continued his pleading croaks. Princess, where are you?
Today is a new day, but seems like a parody of yesterday’s event. Wait for a moment... for a wake-up call...
With your mystical gaze Love hovered so divine. In your amber-brown eyes, The warmth... I felt as you gazed upon mine.
Rise Up (Alphabet challenge chime in) by Imrogue Albeit belittled constantly, defiant endeavors
I remembered the rise and fall of… that gloomy afternoon... I took a closer look at you in the hospital bed where you lay.… Your beautiful face was swollen
By: Imrogue Up amidst the blackened sky... glowing with spectacular sight– Lanterns of different colors: red, white, green, yellow, blue,
Whisper to me softly and caress me gently with your hope of dreams for us tomorrow... Let us listen to nightbirds
I walked the blackened sand beach of what gave me comfort and sorrow… Yesterday, the tide was high, and now it has subsided... Seaweeds and seashells
I swim in my tears day after day while distant shore awaits quicksand to another realm. I balance on the rope across life’s ragged-edged cliff.
Have you heard of a writer’s block… I wondered... I thought it was a… Suddenly, I’m taken aback... Inflicted and being attacked! Let’s watch the clock.............…