In a world that never stops talkin… Where do you go for solitude... How do you make it where The walls are thin and they wear a… To disguise their true wretched mo…
A modern day Mystic A girl ahead of her time My friend was going places But only in her mind She’s been locked inside her head
A chuckle at my hardship. A pity when it’s yours. Every way you could betray me right down to the floors. Turn the other cheek now.
do i want to be a child so light and so carefree when the eyes of the world weren’t boring into me a child who hears their thoughts a…
Can we come full circle—what would… The evil that is—no one sees their… What does it take to reach uncondi… When everyone is conditioned to ju… If you don’t fall in line– if you…
Steady my breath for what’s coming… Taking my time– retraining my mind… Saw all the signs. Seven wagers t… No idea what could be coming Expectations fall flat being force…
Let me just tap into the Divine. Only takes but a flick of the mind… Then I know it’s time To unwind. Diving deep I find
Asked for a sign You always show me Said someone new Was coming to know me Lessons learned
One touch to activate all sense. Strike a chord and thank the lord Steady youself as the body fully t… Brace yourself to face yourself No more jumping through hoops or c…
So you want to say you love me because I can help heal you I will show you your unseen I can find what keeps you blue Uncovering your layers
If I sat on my stool and played b… Being like them, I’d be so cool. Instead I was the fool, drowned i… Work horse or mule and just like t… Then something switched.
Playing in their world gets me bur… Through trials and tribulations I… Battle scars and stripes I have e… Back to myself I’ve returned. Cut the cords or they can burn.
Let’s talk, shall we. I’d like to know your name. I can go first If you want to play that game. Where did you come from?
I am slowly finding out who I am who I was before the outside world changed the inside world I like who I was I like who I should be
Temper temper temper Don’t let the viper strike. Take your time and watch your step It wields a gnarly bite. Taunt the beast and prod the monst…