
four states

{the wire wool}
façade of safety at first brush. a false
face on certain devastation. shrapnel
piques my skin like iron rain. fragile as
metal. this mask that you shrink behind.
{the malbec}
the stained glass you took the shape of. flooded
veins are a deluge of convenient truths.
carmine peppers the paper. i strike
before you stir. before you do it first.
{the carbon monoxide}
you lulled me straight to saturn. it’s your
nature to storm the lungs. to infiltrate.
to blindly fill the room. unseen poison
lacing the air. becoming the last breath.
{the sun}
a solar flare tripped on its way to earth.
i wear a meteor tail now. and when
we speak numberless in the night. i think
that this is how it is supposed to feel.
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