no means no. no response means no. (everyone knows maybe means nothing
excuse me, i thought you were also the center of a fractal
finally, without knowing it was coming, he got to die. it was great. like a birthday party clown, he was equally the center
was all stupid. you weren’t that entertaining. i find it all only sad now, that
here’s a story. it may even be true. where i come from nothing ever sucks, so i
bring me things to break myself upon till
drry awfl drd sys thngs tk t lng & y bttr hrry lst y
you are guilty of failing to love and understand me, like a dog is guilty of failing to speak or use
here in the middle of the bottom of the lie how obvious
shut my eyes and squeeze my demand, the point of a spear. what will happen.
so, come on then, brilliant one, see, i’ve been waiting for you with eyes
now, I’m no Bukowski but my friends who don’t like poet… except his stuff, tell me they like mine, and I can drink like a drinking machine
leaning into, not against it. no, decidedly for, yes, always that, no matter
stupid met crazy decided to have a baby or two... what else you gonna do?
you’ve been invited, stupid asshol… to remember things differently, wh… it means to be human, even. dumb shit, you’ll always let someone el… handle it, whatever always happens