Hail! voyagers, hail! Whence e’er ye come, where’er ye r… No calmer strand, No sweeter land, Will e’er ye view, than the Land…
1864 Listless he eyes the palisades And sentries in the glare; ’Tis barren as a pelican-beach But his world is ended there.
Though the Clerk of the Weather i… And lay down the weather-law, Pintado and gannet they wist That the winds blow whither they l… In tempest or flaw.
In the south of Europe, nigh a once frescoed capital, now with dank mold cankering its bloom, central in a plain, stands what, at distance, seems the black mossed stump of some immeasur...
Youth is the time when hearts are… And stirring wars Appeal to the spirit which appeals… To the blade it draws. If woman incite, and duty show
"Though He slay me, yet will I… Shall hearts that beat no base ret… In youth’s magnanimous years - Ignoble hold it, if discreet When interest tames to fears;
Upon waking next morning about daylight, I found Queequeg’s arm thrown over me in the most loving and affectionate manner. You had almost thought I had been his wife. The counterpane wa...
_If Luther’s day expand to Darwin… _Shall that exclude the hope—forec… Unmoved by all the claims our time… The ancient Sphinx still keeps th… shade;
As we were walking down the end of the wharf towards the ship, Queequeg carrying his harpoon, Captain Peleg in his gruff voice loudly hailed us from his wigwam, saying he had not suspec...
When I removed into the country, it was to occupy an old-fashioned farm-house, which had no piazza—a deficiency the more regretted, because not only did I like piazzas, as somehow combi...
When I removed into the country, it was to occupy an old-fashioned farmhouse, which had no piazza—a deficiency the more regretted because not only did I like piazzas, as somehow combini...
My soul is more than matched; she’s overmanned; and by a madman! Insufferable sting, that sanity should ground arms on such a field! But he drilled deep down, and blasted all my reason ...
The color-bearers facing death White in the whirling sulphurous w… Stand boldly out before the line; Right and left their glances go, Proud of each other, glorying in t…
WHO inhabiteth the Mountain That it shines in lurid light, And is rolled about with thunders, And terrors, and a blight, Like Kaf the peak of Eblis–
The pale Usher—threadbare in coat, heart, body, and brain; I see him now. He was ever dusting his old lexicons and grammars, with a queer handkerchief, mockingly embellished with all th...