Henry Kirke White


The western gale,
Mild as the kisses of connubial love,
Plays round my languid limbs, as all dissolved,
Beneath the ancient elm’s fantastic shade
I lie, exhausted with the noontide heat:
While rippling o’er its deep worn pebble bed,
The rapid rivulet rushes at my feet,
Dispensing coolness. On the fringed marge
Full many a floweret rears its head,-or pink,
Or gaudy daffodil. ’Tis here, at noon,
The buskin’d wood-nymphs from the heat retire,
And lave them in the fountain; here secure
From Pan, or savage satyr, they disport:
Or stretch’d supinely on the velvet turf,
Lull’d by the laden bee, or sultry fly,
Invoke the god of slumber….
And, hark! how merrily, from distant tower,
Ring round the village bells! now on the gale
They rise with gradual swell, distinct and loud;
Anon they die upon the pensive ear,
Melting in faintest music. They bespeak
A day of jubilee, and oft they bear,
Commix’d along the unfrequented shore,
The sound of village dance and tabor loud,
Startling the musing ear of Solitude.
Such is the jocund wake of Whitsuntide,
When happy Superstition, gabbling eld!
Holds her unhurtful gambols. All the day
The rustic revellers ply the mazy dance
On the smooth shaven green, and then at eve
Commence the harmless rites and auguries;
And many a tale of ancient days goes round.
They tell of wizard seer, whose potent spells
Could hold in dreadful thrall the labouring moon,
Or draw the fix’d stars from their eminence,
And still the midnight tempest. Then anon
Tell of uncharnel’d spectres, seen to glide
Along the lone wood’s unfrequented path,
Startling the 'nighted traveller; while the sound
Of undistinguished murmurs, heard to come
From the dark centre of the deepening glen,
Struck on his frozen ear.
Oh, Ignorance!
Thou art fallen man’s best friend! With thee he speeds
In frigid apathy along his way.
And never does the tear of agony
Burn down his scorching cheek; or the keen steel
Of wounded feeling penetrate his breast.
E’en now, as leaning on this fragrant bank,
I taste of all the keener happiness
Which sense refined affords-E’en now my heart
Would fain induce me to forsake the world,
Throw off these garments, and in shepherd’s weeds,
With a small flock, and short suspended reed,
To sojourn in the woodland.-Then my thought
Draws such gay pictures of ideal bliss,
That I could almost err in reason’s spite,
And trespass on my judgment.
Such is life:
The distant prospect always seems more fair,
And when attain’d, another still succeeds,
Far fairer than before,-yet compass’d round
With the same dangers, and the same dismay.
And we poor pilgrims in this dreary maze,
Still discontented, chase the fairy form
Of unsubstantial Happiness, to find,
When life itself is sinking in the strife,
’Tis but an airy bubble and a cheat.
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