My dearest Love! when thou and I… And th’ icy hand of death shall se… Which is all thine; within some sp… Ile leave no blanks for Legacies… Tis my ambition to die one of thos…
Dry those fair, those chrystal eye… Which like growing fountains rise To drown their banks. Griefs sull… Would better flow in furrow’d look… Thy lovely face was never meant
But say thou very woman, why to me This fit of weakness and inconstan… What forfeit have I made of word… That I am rack’t on thy displeasu… If I have done a fault I do not s…
MY once dear love, hapless that I… Must call thee so, the rich affect… That fed our hope lies now exhaust… Like sums of treasure unto bankrup… We, that did nothing study but the…
It is, Sir, a confest intrusion h… That I before your labours do app… Which no loud Herald need, that m… Or seek acceptance, but the Autho… Much less that should this happy w…
I will not weep, for ’twere as gre… To shed a tear for thee, as to hav… An Actor in thy death. Thy life a… Was but a various Scene on fortun… With whom thou tugg’st & strov…
To have liv’d eminent in a degreee Beyond our lofty’st flights, that… Or t’have had too much merit is no… For such excesses find no Epitaph… At common graves we have Poetick…
If in this Glass of Humours you d… The Passions or diseases of your… Here without pain, you safely may… Though not to suffer, yet to read… But if you nothing meet you can ap…
Not that I would instruct or tuto… What is a Wifes behest, or Husban… Give I this Widdow-Wife. Your ea… Of knowledge makes such Precepts… This book is but your glass, where…
Perhaps ’twas but conceit. Errone… Thou art thine own distemper and o… Imagine then, that sick unwholsom… Was thy corruption breath’d into a… Nor is it strange, when we in char…
Let no profane ignoble foot tread… This hallow’d peece of earth, Dor… A small sad relique of a noble spi… Free as the air, and ample as his… Whose least perfection was large,…
Not knowing who should my Acquitt… I know as little what discharge to… The favour is so great, that it ou… All forms of thankfulness I can p… Those grateful levies which my pen…
Out of the horrour of the lowest… Where cares & endlesse fears t… To thee (O Lord) I send my woful… O heare the accents of my misery. If Thy enquiry (Lord) should be s…
VVhen your fair hand receives thi… You must not there for prose or ve… Those empty regions which within y… May by your self planted and peopl… And though we scarce allow your se…
Ill busi’d man! why should’st thou… To lengthen out thy life’s short c… When ev’ry spectacle thou lookst u… Presents and acts thy execution. Each drooping season and each flow…