#Americans #Imagist #Women #FreeVerse #Imagery
Will you glimmer on the sea? Will you fling your spear—head On the shore? What note shall we pitch? We have a song,
Silver dust lifted from the earth, higher than my arms reach, you have mounted. O silver,
I should have thought in a dream you would have brought some lovely, perilous thing, orchids piled in a great sheath, as who would say (in a dream),
YOU are as gold as the half—ripe grain that merges to gold again, as white as the white rain that beats through
Stars wheel in purple, yours is no… as Hesperus, nor yet so great a st… as bright Aldeboran or Sirius, nor yet the stained and brilliant… stars turn in purple, glorious to…
Crash on crash of the sea, straining to wreck men; sea—boards… raging against the world, furious, stay at last, for against your fur… and your mad fight,
Bear me to Dictaeus, and to the steep slopes; to the river Erymanthus. I choose spray of dittany, cyperum, frail of flower,
The mysteries remain, I keep the same cycle of seed—time and of sun and rain; Demeter in the grass,
Wash of cold river in a glacial land, Ionian water, chill, snow—ribbed sand, drift of rare flowers,
Each of us like you has died once, has passed through drift of wood—l… cracked and bent and tortured and unbent
The white violet is scented on its stalk, the sea—violet fragile as agate, lies fronting all the wind
O be swift— we have always known you wanted us… We fled inland with our flocks. we pastured them in hollows, cut off from the wind
The light passes from ridge to ridge, from flower to flower— the hepaticas, wide—spread under the light
Rose, harsh rose, marred and with stint of petals, meagre flower, thin, sparse of leaf, more precious
Are you alive? I touch you. You quiver like a sea—fish. I cover you with my net. What are you —banded one?