Gustavo Rodriguez Jr

The World Beholds a Mutual Eye

The world beholds a mutual eye
To know of beauty seen at your appearance.
Amidst the foggy smell of night to dewy morning
The many eyes that glaze in sleep of you they dream.
And through that fuzzy morning light
Until the saddened dusk
When all is seen and nothing
By the shadows veiled
The children of men at every hour
Hold you in mind and
In collective consciousness
Declare you perfection of creation.
Man is but a fool but
What does nature know?
The red of coals to ashes do resign
To learn your heart needs no fanning
And because you fashion no umbrella the
Rain makes haste to taste your skin
From clouds that surely cried for joy
Because you walk on earth.
It is well known by angered roses
You envy not their scent
While the twinkle in your eyes enchant the stars
And fall in love with you.
Your soft, warm breasts the glow of
Moonlight can hold no candle to
And humble sparrows hush their songs to
Concede your voice more sweet.
But oh! The crippling offense
To man and nature most absurd!
To think that mine would be the eyes
In waking yours behold
And desiring your love, in passion;
Would fetter you to me.
Other works by Gustavo Rodriguez Jr...
