Gustavo Rodriguez Jr

Call Waiting

Sometimes I’m a suicide note
Played in low key
When I’m tuned to the highs
Of the world around me
Sometimes the slap of a snare drum
Captures the soul of my hand and
The shaman within me bleeds ink
On blank paper scraps
Sometimes I’m an obituary
In memory of how I thought to live
So I only read Sunday comics because
They’re printed in colors that teach me to live
Sometimes on a Sunday I’m a gospel hymn
Without a choir to sing my salvation and
The days that follow and my song remains the same
With a still, small voice calling out to my soul
Sometimes the loud silence is broken when a voice
Heard over a great divide sounds like me
And I’m forced into a conversation
I’m not ready to have again, yet.


From Vagabond in a Footstool Garden, Poetry by Gustavo Rodriguez Jr available on Listen to it on, username, vagabondbook.

#Depression #FresnoHopeless #Loathing #SpiritualSpokenSuicide #Warfare #Word #Writing

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