Goldie B.

Black Man

Black man, he has been judged, underestimated, plotted on, and mean mugged by the white man. He has been falsely accused, incarcerated, but refused to sale out and laughed as the air heads failed to juice his pride out of his system.

Black man, he has been played, used, and has had his love abused by the woman who promised him loyalty, truth, and to never let this man or that man come between them two.

Black man, he has been beat, been through the struggle, even had to turn to the the streets where he knew he would win with his hustle, just to provide his family with a place for them to sleep, and food for them to eat.

Black man, he does so much, but it all goes unnoticed because of one mistake. It’s crazy because some of you women really ignore all of the good he has done, and rub that one mess up right in his face. You women act as if your mind is lazy when it comes to thinking about another man taking your mans place, when in reality that is indeed a lie, but in your eyes, he is always wrong, and you are always right.

Why can’t anyone appreciate this black man?


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