Gerald Massey

The Hidden Life

WE are not only where we seem
To live, but in some Astral gleam
Dwell also in a world of dream!
Some heavenward window opes above
The shut-up soul, to lean out of,
Or let in waiting wings of love.
And thence we pass from out our night
A little nearer to the light,
Transfigured in the eternal sight!
And oft when darkness fills the place
We thrill with Dawn upon the face,
And feel the Infinite embrace.
Beyond the clouds 'tis golden day;
Soft airs of heaven about us play,
That waft all weariness away.
Dear friends we see no longer here
Are with us: We can feel them near;
To comfort us and heal and cheer.
And thus in secret life is fed,
Till full in flower it lifts the head
With all its leaves to heaven outspread.
And by the peace within the breast,
All stormy passions rocked to rest,
We know that God bath been our guest.
Altre opere di Gerald Massey...
