WHAT miracle was it that made th… Seem holy earth, a leaping-place f… I know I strode along grey street… Seeing nowhere a glimmer of the G… My vision baffled amid many dreams…
WHEN the unquiet hours depart And far away their tumults cease, Within the twilight of the heart We bathe in peace, are stilled wit… The fire that slew us through the…
WE turned back mad from the mysti… All foamed with red and with elfin… Up from the heart of the twilight’… The fires enchanted were starward… We turned back mad: we thought of…
IN day from some titanic past it… As if a thread divine of memory ru… Born ere the Mighty One began his… Or yet were stars and suns. But here an iron will has fixed th…
WE have left our youth behind: Earth is in its baby years: Void of wisdom cries the wind, And the sunlight knows no tears. When shall twilight feel the awe,
ON the bird of air blue-breasted… And its shadowy fleece above us wa… Far through rumorous leagues of mi… See the old ascetic yonder, ah, po… Where he crouches wrinkled over by…
THE CHILDREN awoke in their d… While earth lay dewy and still: They followed the rill in its glea… To the heart-light of the hill. Its sounds and sights were forsaki…
A CABIN on the mountain side hi… Where door and windows open wide t… The rabbit shy can patter in, the… Who throng around the mountain thr… And when the sun sets dimmed in ev…
WE laid him to rest with tenderne… Homeward we turned in the twilight… We thought in ourselves with dumb… All the story of earth is told. A beautiful word at the last was s…
FAINT grew the yellow buds of li… Far flickering beyond the snows, As leaning o’er the shadowy white Morn glimmered like a pale primros… Within an Indian vale below
THE WARMTH of life is quenched… Upon the lonely road a child limps… Skirting the frozen pools: our way… Our hearts sink utterly. But from the snow-patched moorland…
OH, the sudden wings arising from… Showered aloft in spray of song th… O’er the unseen fount awhile, and… Nigh the cool brown earth to hush… Far within a dome of trembling opa…
WE must pass like smoke or live w… For we can no more than smoke unto… If our thought has changed to drea… As smoke we vanish though the fire… Lights of infinite pity star the g…
WHEN the dawn comes forth I wond… Will our sad, sad hearts awaken, And the grief we laboured under From the new-in-joy be shaken? If the night be long in going,
OH, be not led away, Lured by the colour of the sun-ric… The gay romance of song Unto the spirit life doth not belo… Though far-between the hours