DREAM faces bloom around your fa… Like flowers upon one stem; The heart of many a vanished race Sighs as I look on them. The sun rich face of Egypt glows,
WHAT miracle was it that made th… Seem holy earth, a leaping-place f… I know I strode along grey street… Seeing nowhere a glimmer of the G… My vision baffled amid many dreams…
OH, the sudden wings arising from… Showered aloft in spray of song th… O’er the unseen fount awhile, and… Nigh the cool brown earth to hush… Far within a dome of trembling opa…
I DID not deem it half so sweet To feel thy gentle hand, As in a dream thy soul to greet Across wide leagues of land. Untouched more near to draw to you
DUSK wraps the village in its di… Each chimney’s vapour, like a thin… Mounting aloft through miles of qu… Pillars the skies of God. Far up they break or seem to break…
DO you not feel the white glow in… That is the flame of love I send… Not a wafted kiss, hardly a whispe… But love itself that flies as a wh… Let it dwell there, let it rest th…
WE woke from our sleep in the bos… The love of the dark hidden Fathe… And gay was the breath in our bein… Was on us as, singing together, we… Through nights lit with diamond an…
A FRIENDLY mountain I know; As I lie on the green slope there It sets my heart in a glow And closes the door on care. A thought I try to frame—…
The soul is its own witness and it… UNTO the deep the deep heart goe… It lays its sadness nigh the breas… Only the Mighty Mother knows The wounds that quiver unconfessed…
ON the twilight-burnished hills I… Where below the grey-lipped sands… Drink, and fade and disappear: int… A seer in my heart abides. Once the diamond dancing day-waves…
THE GREY road whereupon we trod… The eve was all one voice that bre… And burning multitudes pour throug… Too swift and hurried in their fli… Twin gates unto that living world,…
LIGHTEST of dancers, with no t… Thy glimmering feet beat on my hea… Gayest of singers, with no care Waking to beauty the still air, More than the labours of our art,
WHAT is the love of shadowy lips That know not what they seek or pr… From whom the lure for ever slips And fails their phantom tenderness… The mystery and light of eyes
WE are desert leagues apart; Time is misty ages now Since the warmth of heart to heart Chased the shadows from my brow. Oh, I am so old, meseems
I PITIED one whose tattered dre… Was patched, and stained with dust… He smiled on me; I could not gues… The viewless spirit’s wide domain. He said, “The royal robe I wear