George Moses Horton

Praise of Creation

Creation fires my tongue!
Nature thy anthems raise;
And spread the universal song
Of thy Creator’s praise!
Heaven’s chief delight was Man
Before Creation’s birth—
Ordained with joy to lead the van,
And reign the lord of earth.
When Sin was quite unknown,
And all the woes it brought,
He hailed the morn without a groan
Or one corroding thought.
When each revolving wheel
Assumed its sphere sublime,
Submissive Earth then heard the peal,
And struck the march of time.
The march in Heaven begun,
And splendor filled the skies,
When Wisdom bade the morning Sun
With joy from chaos rise.
The angels heard the tune
Throughout creation ring:
They seized their golden harps as soon
And touched on every string.
When time and space were young,
And music rolled along—
The morning stars together sung,
And Heaven was drown’d in song.
Ye towering eagles soar,
And fan Creation’s blaze,
And ye terrific lion’s roar,
To your Creator’s praise.
Responsive thunders roll,
Loud acclamations sound,
And show your Maker’s vast control
O’er all the worlds around.
Stupendous mountains smoke,
And lift your summits high,
To him who all your terrors woke,
Dark’ning the sapphire sky.
Now let my muse descend,
To view the march below—
Ye subterraneous worlds attend
And bid your chorus flow.
Ye vast volcanoes yell,
Whence fiery cliffs are hurled;
And all ye liquid oceans swell
Beneath the solid world.
Ye cataracts combine,
Nor let the pæan cease—
The universal concert join,
Thou dismal precipice.
But halt my feeble tongue,
My weary muse delays:
But, oh my soul, still float along
Upon the flood of praise!
Altre opere di George Moses Horton...
