I should have told you I loved you 1000 times a day.
I’ve always been mean to you. I see myself as your teacher a friend
Hiding how I truly feel.. knowing your intent is real
Your a slave to love an I resent you because you constantly remind me of who I was every moment choking pulling smothering me with love.
STOP PLEASE because I know how your will.
I finish your sentences when you attempt to tell me how you feel.
Chasing me where ever I go. Asking for love an I always said no
STOP! Protect yourself from these blows because I’m traumatized an you have no scars to match the ones given by the lover I chose.
Beat me hurt me is the only thing I know.
I know of giving Love not receiving!
Stop believing in something you cannot see.
I look at you an deep inside see .. me.
So sweet so patient innocent beautiful in every way you
exceed my ex Everyday.
Wetter girl your the greatest I’d be lying if I said you wasn’t the best ever. So I love you an this time I mean it
To the strongest feather