#Americans #Women
Men go to women mutely for their p… And they, who lack it most, create… They make–because they must, lovin… A solace for sad bosom-bended head… Is all the meager peace men get–no…
If you will poise your forefoot in… I will not loose a ripple, Beauti… Crackle the fern-stems, arch aloft… See! there’s no fright for you, an… A leaf shall not lift, nor a shade…
Winter put his shoulder To our door, Nights are turning colder More and more; We are old–or older
The stone falls, the bird flies, t… But we have no motion, we scatter… O, give me a song to sing for your… A song that will lift, like a wave… You and myself, that will fling li…
Put her away some place between tw… Away from the sea and the sun. She has so much to think of–must s… On your bright bosom always, Moth… Put her away, and let some other b…
I dreamed you were the sea; I dreamed you pounded With foamy fists, the sad face of… Waking, I lay beneath you, And the room resounded
Boys and girls, come out to play: The sun is up, the wind’s astray, Early morning’s gold is gone– (They slumber on, they slumber on.… I have never done with you
Withhold your breath! Heavy in noon, and sleepy as slow… Garden of sweets and sours, The cluster of my body hangs Odorous with flowers:
Never heard happier laughter. Where did you hear it? Somwhere in the future. Very far in the future? No, not far, but near. American
There is a bird that hangs head-do… Between the mango leaves and passi… Below, a spotted serpent twines And blunts its head against the ye… Along the warping ground a turtle…
A middle class fortress in which t… Draw down the curtain as if saying… While noon’s ablaze, ablaze outsid… And outside people work and sweat And the day clings by and the hard…
I understand what you were running… Slim naked boy, and why from far i… You came between dark hills. I kn… The sea makes in some ears. I und… I understand why you were running…
Leave me alone a little! Must I be yours, When all my heart is pouring with… Out to the moon’s impersonal majes… Leave me alone! My little vow end…
The tree we lay under The thunder, the thunder Of my heart, and your wonder… And our weeping... Now we are old, we are worn, we ar…
Wishes are birds. You have been c… With them, invisible, I sent you… Flown from my heart that long had… Surpassing winds in their sharp ea… You have not seen their dim shades…