L. J. Slaferek


They scream
He cries
She laughs
Sound can be a powerful thing
Songs can touch the heart
Tears can tear at the heart
Laughs can lift up the heart
Is so much more powerful
Silence can devour a heart whole
It can annihilate any semblance of a 'heart’
It can lift the heart onto another plain of existence
Silence can be beautiful, graceful, elegant
Silence can be putrid, guttural, gory
Silence can be anger, hatred, rage
Silence can be pain, agony, suffering
Silence can be all of it in one
The power of Silence
Lies not in a sense
YOU cannot hear, smell, feel, taste or see Silence
Or maybe you can
Can you taste the blood hidden in Silence?
Can you smell the putridness lying beneath Silence?
Can you feel the pain that Silences?
Can you see those who are Silent?
Can you hear the screams that make Silence
Oh so ironic
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