Freya Louise

I grew up in the middle of a cornfield in Nebraska.

I grew up in the middle of a cornfield in Nebraska.
My mother, born in 1950, and my father, born in 1924, raised me well.
I had a great childhood, but my father dying when I was 13 had a large impact on me.
I went down a rough road being a state ward, messing around with drugs and alcohol, and living life on the run. Through everything, however, I never stopped writing. Sure, I'd go through dry spells like we all do, but I've never given up. I write short stories, and poetry. I have a very abstract view on life, sometimes. My poems don't always make sense. But that's why I love to write; it doesn't always need to make sense to taste good on your tongue and feel right rolling across your lips.
I was published by The American Poets Society in the Book Expressions at age 13 if any of you care to try to look me up. My piece was simply titled, 'Daddy'
