FROM the dusty jaded sunlight of… Through the open bedroom window wh… palms, There came a sound of music, thril… That startled me from slumber with…
‘LIBERTY?’ Is that the cry, th… We have heard it oft of yore. Once it had, we think, a meaning; Let us hear it now no more. We have read what history tells us
ALOLL in the warm clear water, On her back with languorous limbs, She lies. The baby upon her breas… Paddles and falls and swims. With half-closed eyes she smiles,
‘BE with us by day, by night, O lover, O friend; Hold before us thy light Unto the end!’ See, all these children of ours
(Melbourne) HERE to the parks they come, The scourings of the town, Like weary wounded animals Seeking where to lie them down.
(TO LORD——) WILL you not buy? She asks you,… Who know the points desirable in s… She does not say that she is perfe… She’s not too pleasant to the sigh…
I SEE a Land of desperate drough… I see a land where Need keeps spr… And all but giants perish in the s… I see a Land where more, and more… The demons, Earth and Wealth, gro…
‘Susannah and Mary-Jane’ TWO little Darlings alone, Clinging hand in hand; Two little Girls come out To see the wonderful land!
‘Move on!’ ‘THE foxes have holes, And the birds of the air have nest… But where shall the heads of the s… Be laid, be laid?’
(For the Irish Delegates in Aust… DO you want to hear a story, With a nobler praise than ‘glory,’ Of a man who loved the right like… hell?
BURY me with clenched hands And eyes open wide, For in storm and struggle I lived… And in struggle and storm I died.
(A Memory of August, 1883) I STOOD in the ghastly gleaming… Of the dreadful river that rolls h… Woe; And mine eyes were heavy with slee…
‘Chant of the Firemen’ ‘THIS is the steamer’s pit. The ovens like dragons of fire Glare thro’ their close-lidded eye… With restless hungry desire.
THERE was a time when all thy so… To speak thy name, England, when Europe echoed back… Thy fearless fame: When Spain reeled shattered helpl…
BRUTE beast, at last you have it… Truth’s not a phrase, justice an i… Your life ran red with murder, gre… Blood has washed blood clean, and… Your carrion will be purified. Ye…