The past, I put away in a paper b… And threw it with the next-day’s t… I went to bed feeling good, But sleep didn’t come in a flash For I remembered the olden days
Our passionate wish to be somewher… For over here; days are shorter, n… With AC off electricity much lowe… But gas consumption has gone astro… Sun we haven’t seen, wondering whe…
He’s quite hard-headed Difficult and obstinate Jonah was his name He tried to run from the Lord But by a whale he’s swallowed
Pure joy and sadness never coexist Neither bliss and grief; for they’… But love and hate can, and often t… Emotions run deep, and debris accr… Love builds and uplifts, but hatre…
A swarm of butterflies in my belly As I wandered sheepishly towards… Nervous, I was perspiring profuse… Even though twas the middle of win… A big smile on her face, she looke…
center he waited for this weekend like he did no other he will see his love; they will be together
She had walked into my world un-in… One Monday morning in very early… She was in tears, her face full of… Wanting to leave, go back home soo… Be still! I hushed my six-year o…
Our lives a fresh canvas at birth For limitless possibilities exist Opportunities abound here on earth Welcome to a future the Fates kis… We gaze in the mirror, amplify our…
Just for Laughs. Or is it? Oh geez! summer’s here A little early this year It’s not even May But look! all the trees are green
Conceal your tears behind a smile Don’t cry, let no one see you swea… Keep your woes in secret exile Your biggest hurts you must forget Bury the grief that burns inside
A girl of three so full of light Our princess bright with smiles so… Her laughter warms both day and ni… Bright spark she is; can’t be deni… She talks with joy and endless gra…
His whole world ended; it was yest… His hopes for tomorrow quickly per… When the love of his life passed a… His dreams, like a thin mist, vani… She’ll always be the lady of his y…
It is time to go Every night he prays steadfast That it be his last Pleasures have deserted him Tomorrows are looking grim
The donkey said the grass is blue And I agreed wholeheartedly With a big grin he bid adieu Left me all alone finally With a donkey never argue
The backyard no longer green Autumn leaves cover the ground Some floating in the stiff breeze Little eddies round and round All the tree branches stripped bar…