Caricamento in corso...
Francis Aparici

The Path Ahead

“Your decision to walk creates the path ahead.”
— Paulo Coelho

On the path of life
Just put any foot forward
Matters not which one
As long as you don’t stay still
You’ll achieve your lifelong thrill
So start the journey
To the future of your dreams
No need to tarry
Step by step forward you go
What awaits, one day you’ll know
When the road’s uphill
The trek may be an ordeal
Don’t succumb to fear
With courage, you’ll persevere
Victory should soon appear
Through storm and through strife
The road ahead still calls you
Keep your focus strong
Though the path may seem so long
Your heart will guide you along
Stay the course in your travel
Even if things unravel
Success awaits! you’re on track
Let not trials hold you back
© F Aparici
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