Autumn leaves lay on the ground All gathered in a four-foot mound A cold breeze lifted some around The world’s truly winter-bound Alas! The non-evergreens are bare
Popular dating site that’s how the… Common interests that's the attrac… So a week after then, first date w… Both hoped the initial interaction Will be pleasant, friendly, enjoya…
Haiku A friendly face he sees In the early morning mist Serendipity Periwinkle sky
A Limerick, but not for Laughs… Saga of the Empath and the Soc… An empath fell in love with a soci… Whose heart was as cold as a frost… She’d sense every ache
Scented love notes he penned for h… Hidden in a book he returned to he… Alas, o’er the years remained unop… That he adores her, she found out… Then high school ended and life in…
On the path of life Just put any foot forward Matters not which one As long as you don’t stay still You’ll achieve your lifelong thril…
I doubt, but I hope not to sin I hesitate but cynical I’m not I wish my faith will strengthen And my unbelief be finally forgot!… © F Aparici
upon the porch she sits in rain the swing once theirs, now hers al… its memories of love now flown her heart engulfed by aching pain a swing of reed, a lover’s throne
A nip in the air Her shoulders bare Wind blew her hair Giving her a scare Alas! Winter’s near
Tonight was simply amazing And my heart’s still beating fast At long last she and I met A friendship I hope forever last I’ve adored her from a distance
Most trees stand bare, though othe… Hollies peek through the snow-fill… At dawn, no creatures can be seen The chill of winter all around But golden rays turn skies to blue
Once there lived a man who was inc… Such that his pants have pockets t… One day his wife asked for money He guffawed thought it was funny So his wife lifted his wallet whil…
Ceramic birdbath in the yard There, two robins splashing at pla… Reveling in mid-day sunshine But big redbird shooed them away The cardinal claims the whole bath
Blue skies white clouds radiant su… Blue ocean cool breeze white sand Beach chair umbrella sunshades Bikinis in the main strand Beer ice cold in the cooler
The day I retired My skills didn’t diminish Nor did they vanish Yet, now I’m out to pasture As useful as horse manure