A poem from a combination of clichés LOL...
Feels so much hotter today I’m drenched and still perspiring The thick air won’t go away Mid-morning sun blistering Huge sombrero top my head
Glacier covered peak Like hands in pray’r rising up To mystical heights Deep blue lake waters Robin’s egg sky up above
Once there lived an old hypochondr… Who thought he was having a heart… Just a heartburn it was A copious amount of gas His wife forbade him a late-night…
walls divide they separate people and foster the idea we’re not all equal stone walls stand tall,
Three boys wanted to be famous, on… Knights too; and among all the nic… They set off one Saturday To the hills atop the bay Adventure! the Lost Boys fighting…
Just for Laughs. Or is it? Oh geez! summer’s here A little early this year It’s not even May But look! all the trees are green
The soothing warmth of sunrise Hazy glare from the window When sleepy eyes we open Primed ready for today’s show Cornucopia of blessings
A girl of three so full of light Our princess bright with smiles so… Her laughter warms both day and ni… Bright spark she is; can’t be deni… She talks with joy and endless gra…
A sudden bright flash Followed by a sonic boom Then heavy downpour The wind blows the clouds away And blue skies return to stay
She peeked into the room lit dimly And in tiptoes, she moved cautious… Not wanting to wake up the baby She stared at her ever so lovingly Teary-eyed and overwhelmed with jo…
When love departs, it stirs the he… More deeply felt in fleeting time At airports, kisses play their par… A touch that’s tender and sublime In hospitals, where pray’rs ascend
center Misunderstood, inscrutable, She’s an enigma; A paradox, mysterious; White-hot as magma
the pitter-patter of the rain lulled him into deep sleep dreams, the gods did ordain he didn’t even count sheep! and he saw her in a dream
She’s my butterfly princess From the day that she was born Over fifteen years ago She’s my sunshine every morn Lovely lady she now is
Each time I see her I’m convinced more and more That heaven got it wrong For I adore her Forever she’s my Lenore