Frances Anne Kemble

Lines Written on Leaving Belvoir Castle in 1842

Farewell, fair castle! on thy lordly hill
Firm be thy seat and proud thy station still,
Soft rise the breezes from the vale below,
Bright be the clouds that wander o’er thy brow;
O’er the broad lands that form thy wide domain
Short be the winter, long the summer’s reign.
Pilgrim of pleasure to thy stately towers,
Fain would I leave among thy friendly bowers
Some votive offering ere on my way,
With many a backward glance, I turn to stray.
May virtue, strength, and honour, guard thy walls,
Love, health, and peace, abide within thy halls,
While graceful mirth and noble courtesy
As now for ever hold their seat in thee;
And still upon thy lordly turrets rest
The grateful blessing of each parting guest!
Altre opere di Frances Anne Kemble...
