The lands of the clans were split by the Saxons,
Jutes, Angles, and the Frisians within the dales.
And the war amongst the athelings had kindled,
the wrath of gnornwreak amid the truce of yore.
The days and nights were thus to be overflooded,
with the dripping blood of the wal in the swales.
Soon the bold clans durst the might of the Gods,
and the coming of a yemeless war that then bore.
The deeds of the elders were to be forgotten then,
and the mighty Gods witnessed then from above.
The Vikings had come on behalf of the Frisians,
as new kingdoms from north to south were born.
And the times of selfish greed and want had come,
to make the thede hie into a madness that strove.
The Frisians whelmed the clans of the Jutes, Angles,
as the ellen in the clansmen was afterwards torn.
And their witherling the Saxons were the last clan,
who withstood their blinding bale that was reaved.
Thus the dread of the Vikings raught their thorps,
butchering and slaughtering then without ruth.
They spared no men for the women and children,
they took as thralls and the thorps were bereaved.
Henceforth the king of the Saxons felt their wathe,
as he sought to unfasten the dern behind the truth.
But thereright the earth then quitched and shook,
as the horde of wode Viking berserkers frecked.
They came before the Saxon thanes and athelings,
on a betokened morning upon the high barrows.
And the tiding of their bloody gryre soon raught,
the thorps of the Saxons the fearless wights wrecked.
The liefest sons of Wuldor king of the Saxons then,
met the fiery Norsemen with their bows and arrows.
The Vikings were led by the hean King of the Frisians,
as he then chuckled riding boun upon a great steed.
Nathless the King of the Frisians bold did not flinch,
amidst the erne and the great heleths of the Saxons.
And the two drights fought mightily upon that day,
as the brazen King of the Frisians then lain dead.
The strong hands of the mighty god Tiw was felt,
within the birr and arrows that slew the Frisians.
The Saxons fought much thewful slaying their foes,
with those wrought swords bore of the God Thunor.
And the Vikings and the Frisians then swiftly fell,
as their byrnies were thirled by arrows of galdor.
The outlanders were slain and then left to bleed,
in the dale as their ashes were strewn by Baldur.
And the Saxons drove from their lands the Vikings,
as the Gods meeded the deed of the sons of Wuldor.