Felicia Hemans

Address to Music

OH thou! whose soft, bewitching lyre,
Can lull the sting of pain to rest;
Oh thou! whose warbling notes inspire,
The pensive muse with visions blest;
Sweet music! let thy melting airs
Enhance my joys, and sooth my cares!
Is there enchantment in thy voice,
Thy dulcet harp, thy moving measure;
To bid the mournful mind rejoice,
To raise the fairy form of pleasure?
Yes, heav’nly maid! a charm is thine,
A magic art, a spell divine!
Sweet music! when thy notes we hear,
Some dear remembrance oft they bring,
Of friends belov’d, no longer near,
And days that flew on rapture’s wing;
Hours of delight that long are past,
And dreams of joy, too bright to last!
And oft ’tis thine the soul to fire,
With glory’s animating flame,
Bid valor’s noble sons aspire
To win th’ immortal wreath of fame
Thine too, the soft, expressive tones,
That pity, tender pity owns!
Oh harmony! celestial pow’r!
Thou syren of the melting soul!
In sorrow’s reign, in pleasure’s hour,
My heart shall own thy blest control;
And ever let thy moving airs,
Enhance my joys and sooth my cares!
Otras obras de Felicia Hemans...
