People always say 'Be the change you want to see’
If applied, it’s supposed to make the world better, why? because we all desire sunshine and rainbows?
Why, then, do I feel the hearts of children breaking, their incessant cries constantly torturing my soul
Why do I hear the voices of the oppressed weakening, the anguish in their silence gnawing at my thoughts, I turn and turn and turn, I cannot find rest in my sleep
The core of the earth bleeds pain and it seeps through the cracks like little rivers spreading suffering
The whispers of war and slavery and starvation and poverty are deafening
We’re choking on air, diseased with death. It’s passing through, touching everywhere and everyone and every one
We forget to remember the ones who like to see others broken
We don’t remember those who easily forget the lives they’ve stolen
Unto these we say, ‘Be the change! Be the change! Be the change you want to see!’ They’ve changed the world, haven’t they?
They’ve twisted the world and tilted the earth wielding it’s axis like a sword doused in poison.
Every turn is a curse.
Happy season doesn’t last. It never lasts....
Be the change God wants to see
God is love
Love heals the world
Love never fails