Eugene Field

Echoes From the Sabine Farm

O fountain of Bandusia!
   Whence crystal waters flow,
With garlands gay and wine I’ll pay
   The sacrifice I owe;
A sportive kid with budding horns
   I have, whose crimson blood
Anon shall dye and sanctify
   Thy cool and babbling flood.
O fountain of Bandusia!
   The Dog-star’s hateful spell
No evil brings into the springs
   That from thy bosom well;
Here oxen, wearied by the plow,
   The roving cattle here
Hasten in quest of certain rest,
   And quaff thy gracious cheer.
O fountain of Bandusia!
   Ennobled shalt thou be,
For I shall sing the joys that spring
   Beneath yon ilex-tree.
Yes, fountain of Bandusia,
   Posterity shall know
The cooling brooks that from thy nooks
   Singing and dancing go.
Other works by Eugene Field...
