Eugene Field

A Democratic Hymn

Republicans of differing views
Are pro or con protection;
If that’s the issue they would choose,
Why, we have no objection.
The issue we propose concerns
Our hearts and homes more nearly:
A wife to whom the nation turns
And venerates so dearly.
So, confident of what shall be,
Our gallant host advances,
Giving three cheers for Grover C.
And three times three for Frances!
So gentle is that honored dame,
And fair beyond all telling,
The very mention of her name
Sets every breast to swelling.
She wears no mortal crown of gold—
No courtiers fawn around her—
But with their love young hearts and old
In loyalty have crowned her—
And so with Grover and his bride
We’re proud to take our chances,
And it’s three times three for the twain give we—
But particularly for Frances!
Other works by Eugene Field...
